Category: Shop Talk

In the studio 5/15/16

I have a lot of small canvases ready to go.  By small I mean in the 24′ x 30′ range. Recently, I started painting landscapes on three of them. You can see the beginning of one in the background sitting on the wastepaper basket. Yesterday I worked on the landscape seen out the window in Grandfather and had…

In the studio 5/1/16

It’s raw and cold for a May day in NE Ohio.  It feels more like March than May–rainy, gray, and windy. A woman asked me why I don’t spend more time teaching art on my website.  Seeing my puzzlement, she added, “You write about technical subjects related to painting, but you don’t provide instruction on…

In the studio 4/24/16

My work today on Spring was all blues: ultramarine blue-violet on the blouses of the outer-most figures; cerulean blue and black on the pants of the middle woman. Magnesium blue and Veronese green on the Bug. All cut with cool grays, of course. I love Old Holland paint; they’re my favorite, but they’ve priced themselves out of my…

In the studio

After working on paintings with a lot of figures in them, working on The Photographer’s single figure is refreshing.  I don’t actually know the woman in this painting, which is based on one of many photos I took at a local fair.  Anyway, she struck me as a tough customer; all business, if you know…

In the studio 4/3/16

I was busy today.  I got into a groove and worked on several paintings.  These two are the last ones that I worked on.  When I finally put the brush down, I was mentally exhausted. Victory Park I is cobbled together from several photographs.  I’m having fun painting the dog and painting GREEN. I worked…

James Groves, art supply manufacturer and artist

I use several products manufactured by James Groves.  Jim specializes in historical painting mediums and ingredients.  I’ve tried almost all of his products and they are unfailingly excellent–world class.  I use his 19th Century Copal Oil varnish and Siccatif Courtrai every day.  Both ingredients are staples in my practice.  By itself, the copal varnish is too…