Category: Shop Talk

RGH vs Harding

Readers know about my obsession with The Great White–flake (lead) white paint. This all-important color is getting harder to find because some manufacturers stopped making it due to misguided health concerns and regulations. I’ve discussed the merits of lead white several times on this blog so I won’t repeat myself here. (Those wondering why I…

A lot of mediums

I kept studio journals from the outset of my career. At first, I tracked my sales in the journal. Then I started tracking my supplies–the number and size of stretched canvases I had on hand, and other such things. Eventually, I started to use the journals as a daily record of the paintings on which…

Canvas prep

I always want a supply of large canvases available to me. I’ve learned that the only canvases that satisfy my perfectionist side are the canvases I make myself. I’ve tried many commercial canvases and none have ever satisfied me. So I make my own. The six canvases are all in the 40″ x 54″ range,…

Basic oil painting medium

There is a lot of information about painting mediums on my site but if you’re new to painting, an abundance of information is the same as no information. Where to start? The good news is that you can easily have a medium that supports ambitious work and serves as a baseline for exploring other mediums…