Month: September 2015

In the studio 9/28/15

The Girl in the Purple Boots is 40″ x 50.” I enjoy the size so much, I prepared 6 additional canvases of the same size. One is in the drawing stage and another is in the early painting stage. The Girl in the Purple Boots is composed from three photos taken in Manhattan. It’s not part of…

Finished ‘Graduation Day’

I finished Graduation Day yesterday. Graduation Day is 42″ x 56.”  Twice before I thought I was approaching the finishing session only to run out of steam. But yesterday’s morning session went well, so I was able to finish it. I’ve been working on paintings in which the scale of the figures varies. Graduation Day’s progression…

In the studio 9/20/15

Graduation Day is almost done. I teed it up today for the finish, but only shot par. I have to beat par–come on. Some things still bug me; the purple dress for one, and a couple of other things too. I like painting cars.  There are two in Graduation Day. I am planning another painting that is…

In the studio 9/13/15

I put 10 hours into Washington Square today. I planned to spend just a single hour on it before turning to other paintings. I have one I’m itching to get back to; I think I can finish in one long session. But Washington Square sucked me in. I didn’t even watch any of the NFL’s opening Sunday…

In the studio 9/6/15

Main Street #1 getting there. I finished going through the photographs from our Chicago trip. Of the 200 photos, I put 40 in my kit–you know, the kit filled with photos for paintings. The weather in Chicago was sunny (hot) then overcast. It rained then the sun baked the sidewalks with 93 degree heat, unusual…