Category: Amusement Park series

Photography Summer

I’ve been busy this summer with my new Nikon Z8 camera. Since getting the camera in April I’ve taken thousands of photographs. Earlier this month I revisited Cedar Point, a NE Ohio amusement park known for its extreme rollercoasters. I bought a season pass to the park for the third straight year. I took this…

Drawing study

I finished this large study for a painting I plan. Studies like this help me clarify my thoughts. When making a study, I almost always filter out elements–hardly ever add new ones. That’s what happened this time too. You probably can’t tell from this photo but I’ve removed several background figures as I worked on…

Good photo day. Finally.

Cedar Point is known as the “Roller Coaster Capital of the World.” It is one of the oldest and largest amusement parks in the United States. In addition to the roller coasters, the park has beautifully landscaped areas and stunning white beaches on Lake Erie. I regularly visit Cedar Point with my Nikon z7. This…