Category: Shop Talk

In the studio 3/20/16

I made progress on Euclid Avenue I this morning.  Progress on the 48″ x 60″ painting has been slow at times.  This canvas is from a stock of ‘professional grade’ canvases I bought some time back.  The surfaces on these ‘professional grade’ canvases are very poor–execrable.  I’ve had to spend a lot of time correcting them and still the…

Flavored turpentine

Not so much flavored as customized. My medium is very drying, which I like immensely.  I use it everyday but it has one minor flaw.  When I’m painting a large area, my medium is sometimes too drying.  One method I use to address this is to add some balsam, like Venice turpentine or Canadian balsam,…

In the studio 2/28/16

With over 30 figures in its 44″ x 60″ space, Picnic wants to careen into confusion. Which I do not want, so we argue. The central figure, by turning her back to us, adds her voice to the argument. That’s alright. I’m not off-put by rambunctious offspring and I am patient. I’ve always been suspicious of accidents, accidents of light…

I bought some Lukas 1862 paint

In my Oil Paint Brand reference I ignore Lukas oils, assigning them to the student-grade category. Recently I purchased an assortment of their 1862 line, which is their premier line. The prices for the 1862 line is inline with affordable professional brands such as Blue Ridge, RHG, and Winsor Newton. After I put them through their paces,…