I bought some Lukas 1862 paint

In my Oil Paint Brand reference I ignore Lukas oils, assigning them to the student-grade category. Recently I purchased an assortment of their 1862 line, which is their premier line. The prices for the 1862 line is inline with affordable professional brands such as Blue Ridge, RHG, and Winsor Newton. After I put them through their paces,…

Oil paint brand update: Grumbacher

I didn’t rate Grumbacher Pre-tested paints when I created its entry in my Oil Paint Brand reference. I associate Grumbacher with my impoverished student days and hadn’t used their paints in years, so I couldn’t rate the brand. I recently bought several tubes and tried them. My memory proved to be right. Grumbacher is a high-end…

Snow-crusted Lake Erie

The east coast is blasted by a historical storm–over two feet of snow in Washington. Airports from NC to New England are closed. For once, the worst weather in the eastern part of the country isn’t over us here in NE Ohio. The weather has been very winter-like lately but, overall, the winter has been…

In the studio 1/16/16

I worked on the two small paintings in the photo’s upper-center today. I finished the small (20″ x 24″) painting of the boy, Keith Fishing.  I have been disciplined lately and worked exclusively on large paintings, some of which you can see, but I’m itching for a change of pace. I might spend some time–several…

I broke my palette knife

I broke my palette knife this morning, the one I’ve used everyday for 10 years. I was doing what I do every day–creating my usual assortment of mixtures to go with my tube colors–when my stalwart palette knife snapped. The worn handle is on the left in the photograph. The blade is next to it and still…

I missed London’s National Gallery’s exhibit, Goya: The Portraits

I have always liked Goya. During my printmaking period, Goya’s prints were constantly before my mind. The highlight of my visit to New York’s Metropolitan last year was a Goya painting. This fall I hoped to attend London’s National Gallery’s exhibit, Goya: The Portraits. Unfortunately, I was not able to join my daughter in England where she was studying, and, so, missed the exhibition…

Busy palette

I prepared today’s medium and took yesterday’s palette out of the butcher’s tray where I store it. (The rectangular palette is my workaday palette; I only use the traditional oval one to mix certain tones.) I use my workaday palette 2- or sometimes 3-days running before cleaning it. Even stored in the covered tray the colors…