A Merry Christmas
I hope you and yours had the best Christmas and Santa brought you everything you wanted! Children at home always makes Christmas memorable.
I hope you and yours had the best Christmas and Santa brought you everything you wanted! Children at home always makes Christmas memorable.
During my weekly visit to the Cleveland Museum of Art I was pleasantly surprised to see a newly-hung lithograph titled Blackburn. In the lithograph by Ron Adams (an artist heretofore unknown to me) I instantly…
This recently finished sketch is on a canvas board that was prepared as I described in an earlier post. I deviated from my normal medium with the addition of a small amount of stand oil.…
I like the sensuous lines in this simple pose. My daughter Jane is used to her dad snapping photos at any time. She was helping me at the marina when I took this. I can't…
I spent the last week doing nothing but drawing. Here is 'Main Street # 2.' I finished the drawing and covered it with a rag-applied ground. The varnish-based ground is intended to seal the surface…
Some current work. [caption id="attachment_2789" align="aligncenter" width="500"] On the easel November 17, 2013[/caption] The top-most painting is a small self-portrait on wood. I had planned further development but--you know what?--it looks OK as it is.…
Bonfoey keeps its door locked so visitors have to wait to be buzzed into the gallery. Yesterday, for the third time, I was prevented from entering the gallery because nobody buzzed me in. THIRD TIME.…
Last Sunday was perfect for getting outside. Windy and brisk, the sun broke through thick clouds to transform the afternoon gloom into a dazzling spectacle of light and shade--ideal for photography. I rambled around the…
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