Starting a new painting
Here is the beginning of a new painting. After fixing the pencil drawing with ink, I covered the surface with broad color areas. The goal of this initial layer is to cover the entire surface with local colors. The…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
Here is the beginning of a new painting. After fixing the pencil drawing with ink, I covered the surface with broad color areas. The goal of this initial layer is to cover the entire surface with local colors. The…
I am reading two books just now: Darwin, Portrait of a Genius by Paul Johnson, and Guide to Aesthetics by Benedetto Croce. I've always enjoyed Johnson's work and this book is no exception. My only complaint is…
It's a great day on Lake Erie. The air is crisp, cool, and sun-drenched. Waves pound the beach throwing up plumes of white froth. [caption id="attachment_3691" align="aligncenter" width="444"] Waves pound our beach[/caption]
You know when your paint surface gets too slick and oil starts to bead? There are several remedies. Rubbing an onion over the surface works but has issues--obviously. A better method is to use denatured…
Here are two unfinished small paintings. I enjoy painting the full-length figure in the smaller format. In the portrait the contrast between the dark head and the light sky, seat, and shirt caught my eye. [caption…
Here's work from today and yesterday. Yesterday I finished the under-painting for the smaller work titled Woman on E. 10th Near Tompkins Square. I met the woman during my last visit to New York in November. I…
Memorial Day. This past year we lost my father-in-law Wayne Kaniper. Every new holiday without him is melancholy (he died in November). I hold faithfully in memory both my brothers--Tim and Keith--along with my…
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