The first In the studio post of the new year.
On the Square is part of my Playhouse Square series. There are 15 figures in the 48″ x 60″ painting (16 if you count a figure reflected in a window). I’ve spent most of the past two weeks working on this painting. I spent several (5!) days just on the drawing.

On the Square is still pretty raw. I’m in the middle of my second pass through. After covering the canvas with local color during the initial pass, I define the drawing more firmly and start to pay attention to details in the second pass. The painting is still very neutral looking. Strong contrasts get defined as the painting advances.
By the way, the painting on the bottom-right is also from the Playhouse Square series.
I’ve used the In the studio series to discuss unfinished paintings and the technical and style issues related to them. Some technical issues that are clear early in the life of a painting, are not so obvious after the painting is finished. But, except for specific pedagogical reasons, I am thinking of curtailing the practice.