In the studio 4/3/16

In the studio 4/3/16

I was busy today.  I got into a groove and worked on several paintings.  These two are the last ones that I worked on.  When I finally put the brush down, I was mentally exhausted.

Unfinished paintings: 'Dare,' and "Victory Park I'
Unfinished paintings: ‘Dare,’ and “Victory Park I’

Victory Park I is cobbled together from several photographs.  I’m having fun painting the dog and painting GREEN.

I worked all day yesterday on the drawing for a new painting.  A departure for me, I’m defining form and shadows in parts of the design.  Normally, preparatory drawings are only outlines of shapes but this painting has a lot of complicated shapes and the only way to keep everything straight is to model the forms.  It’s in part of the design that will be black and gray, so the ink drawing will not intrude in the paint layers.

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