Lately, I’ve been spammed a lot by the independent brush manufacturer, Trekell. Oil paint is murder on sable brushes so Trekell’s decent quality sables coupled with modest prices led me to past purchases. I have over 20 of their brushes. I also like their linseed oil soap.
Readers of my Brush review know that I have harsh words for synthetic brushes. Spoiler: you get what you pay for. But because of the ever-increasing prices of sable brushes, I continue to try synthetic brands. Recently I bought some of Trekell’s synthetics.
Frankly, I don’t need more brushes (don’t tell my wife that). But I was seduced by their email promotion–free synthetic brushes! “Buy $50 of brushes and get 2 synthetic brushes free!”
I placed a small order and for some reason, I thought, “I’ll never see those free brushes.” I was right about that. After an interminable delay, my order finally arrived sans free synthetics.
I used some of the new brushes today (also synthetic), as you can see in this photo.

That’s them:

Notice that the flat is losing its shape? Typical for synthetics.
I am angry at myself for falling for Trekell’s con. I never used to get spam email from them. Clearly something has changed. Plus their sables are no longer modestly priced. That’s also a change.
How’s this for a change: no more orders from Trekell.