aesthetics Bio Uncategorized


A reader, responding to a recent post, asked if my recurring problem with 'seeing' is physical. I do wear glasses these days but no. The seeing I'm describing is seeing with judgment. This is aesthetic…

aesthetics anecdotes Bio


I have been struggling with a painting for the past week. It was not going as I wanted and it was difficult to "see" it. This "blindness" happens to me periodically. The first few times…

Teaching myself Latin

Teaching myself Latin

Most of what I know about mankind's accumulated knowledge I've learned through translation. As scholarship has become politicized, one would be foolish to continue trusting the translators or their translations. Why not read the original…

Eagles above us
Bio Vermilion, OH

Eagles above us

American bald eagles are nested here. Yesterday I was able to get some photos of the eagles cartwheeling and cavorting above our house. There are a lot of bird species here: gulls (of course), herons,…