The Germany-based art supplier Kremer was the best source for hard-to-find items not long ago. Now? It’s impossible to complete orders online, not difficult–impossible. I recently attempted to place an online order with Kremer’s U.S. location. The order contained two items that Kremer flagged with special handling requirements. One of the items is black oil (linseed oil heated with sugar of lead), and the other is Venice turpentine. The latter is a useful balsam long-used by artists (as is the black oil).
Due to the special handling requirements, Kremer wouldn’t let me complete my order but instead sent me an email explaining that they’d forward a ‘special offer’ which would enable me to complete the order.
The last time I ordered their black oil, I had to complete a form declaring that I was an artist and intended to use the material in a professional capacity. Thank God the EU bureaucrats are looking out for us artists, right? Kremer did, however, complete that order.
My recent order is three weeks old and I still haven’t received Kremer’s ‘special offer’ or had any other communication from them. When I called their NY office, the call went to voice mail and the very helpful recording explained that due to Covid Kremer was having difficulty fulfilling orders. Then instructed me to not leave a voice message.
I can’t do business with such an undisciplined and sloppily-run company.

Application for a painting job,
I have the honour most respectful to ask for the above position with several years working experience in painting service.
Would be grateful sir if recruited here to continue with my expertise.
Humbly submitted.
Bemla Fabrice Tageh.
How old is Dr. Kremer? I have been wondering how much longer the company will survive. This is very disappointing news because that place offers things one simply can’t get elsewhere.