I am not an art lover. I have no patience for those who wax elegant about art. Those who speak reverently on art as the new religion set my teeth on edge. For me, art is a necessity, like oxygen and food. Experiencing art is necessary, which is why I visit museums so frequently. Of course, I’ve noticed that not everyone is like this. I maintain this blog for fellow artists who can benefit from frequent museum visits, even if they are not art-requiring like me. It’s the best way to train the eye.
I have one of my infrequent museum-visiting videos ready, and I’m casting around for my next topic. I’ve settled on Albert Cuyp, yet another Dutch Golden Age artist. After the Cuyp video, I will move on to other art-related subjects. Here is my photo of a Cuyp in the Cleveland Museum of Art. I took this during last week’s museum visit. I think I can find a lot to say about this artist.
I stupidly bought a license for the video editing software Camtasia some years ago. I had some familiarity with it (don’t ask how I came by it) and bought the license, which I now regret. I am looking at other solutions, and although it pains me to say it, I think Adobe Premier is the best option.
Mrs. Hudson and me