Dayton Art Institute—Fail
The Dayton Art Institute is handsomely situated on a hill above the Great Miami River. The museum’s beautiful Italianate main wing provides a remarkable view of the Dayton skyline. Travelers along I-75 passing beneath the…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
The Dayton Art Institute is handsomely situated on a hill above the Great Miami River. The museum’s beautiful Italianate main wing provides a remarkable view of the Dayton skyline. Travelers along I-75 passing beneath the…
Robert Smith was an American artist who died in 1985. When I knew him, he already was an elderly man. He lived with his teenage son in Kettering, Ohio in a French chateau-type building that…
I’ve loved art as far back as I can remember. During the summer before First Grade we moved to a farm, and while exploring the barn loft (true story), I was thrilled to discover a…
Ever since a significant part of the museum's renovations was opened (as discussed in this post), it's a hop, skip, and jump to the main galleries from the parking garage. Before the atrium was opened, visitors had…
If you're like me, art is food--it's one of life's essentials. I've a lifelong habit of haunting art museums. My excitement is always high at the prospect of a visit, and no matter how often I visit…
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