In the studio 12/8/2013
I like the sensuous lines in this simple pose. My daughter Jane is used to her dad snapping photos at any time. She was helping me at the marina when I took this. I can't…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I like the sensuous lines in this simple pose. My daughter Jane is used to her dad snapping photos at any time. She was helping me at the marina when I took this. I can't…
Some current work. [caption id="attachment_2789" align="aligncenter" width="500"] On the easel November 17, 2013[/caption] The top-most painting is a small self-portrait on wood. I had planned further development but--you know what?--it looks OK as it is.…
Last Sunday was perfect for getting outside. Windy and brisk, the sun broke through thick clouds to transform the afternoon gloom into a dazzling spectacle of light and shade--ideal for photography. I rambled around the…
Sadly, the boating season is over on the Great Lakes. Lake Erie won't be frozen-over for another month but low water levels on the Vermilion River, and frequent storms ends the season except for the…
Here is some recent work. The Call is 36" x 48"; the other painting is somewhat larger. [caption id="attachment_2762" align="aligncenter" width="444"] On the easel Nov. 11, 2013[/caption] I am doing a series about making The Call.…
This model turned out to be a favorite. This is the fourth painting to come out of a session with her. The long-suffering Mrs. Keeley agreed, to her regret, to an interminable photo session one…
Both of these paintings were finished yesterday. The larger is portrait of my nurse, Mrs. Keeley, who administered to me when I was very sick several years ago. [caption id="attachment_2727" align="aligncenter" width="444"] On the easel…
I am always happy when I can show finished paintings. The painting in the upper-left is titled 'Wayne in a Blue Cap.' It's of my father-in-law, Wayne Kaniper, who recently passed away. This painting is…
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