In the Studio 9/22/2013
More recent work. The church is from a drawing I made in Colorado. I am using a mastic-based medium in this painting. In the past I used a jelly-type medium (Maroger), but stopped long ago.…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
More recent work. The church is from a drawing I made in Colorado. I am using a mastic-based medium in this painting. In the past I used a jelly-type medium (Maroger), but stopped long ago.…
Here is a photo of paintings I've worked over the last several days. [caption id="attachment_2550" align="aligncenter" width="500"] In the studio 9/15/2013[/caption] None are finished, although the bottom-most is nearest to being done. I've spent a…
My wife hates this unfinished self-portrait. She says it doesn't look anything like me--I look a bit crazed. Ha! [caption id="attachment_2528" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Recent works on the easel[/caption] In the recent batch of self-portraits, I…
Through the narrow window, the full-blood moon floated in the black water of the bathtub, next to where you laid with your face against the wall sobbing. Pressing my cheek to yours, I glimpsed, the…
A favorite chair. I have used a white lawn chair in my paintings several times. I like its sensuous shape and the matte color provides an interesting contrast to the objects around it. The two…
What's unusual about today's 'In the Studio' post is the works I'm showing were both finished today! The larger is titled 'Jane Hudson and Her Father,' (yes, it's me holding my daughter Jane when she…
As usual, here is some current work. The small self-portrait at top was recently finished (it's still wet). It's a companion to a gouache I did earlier this year. [caption id="attachment_2326" align="aligncenter" width="500"] One finished…
The under-painting is now finished. [caption id="attachment_2244" align="aligncenter" width="500"] The Call, under-painting finished[/caption] The next update will occur after the under-painting is thoroughly dry and a substantial amount of modeling and local color have been…
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