Category: Bio

Boating season soon

Even though the winter was mild, we are just now at the beginning of the boating season.  The Betty Jane is the middle boat in this photo.  It’s shrink-wrapped like its winter-storage neighbrors.  Shrink wrapping protects the boats during winter storage and, as you can see, it’s commonly done in marinas along Lake Erie in…

Studio journal 1/14/17

I didn’t plan it, but yesterday I worked on two paintings of my son John.  I finished the larger painting on the easel, John Hudson and His Father.  It’s based on a photo of John when he was a wee lad.  The smaller painting, John in a White Shirt, is based on a recent photo.  After taking…

In the studio 12/4/16

I worked on 4 paintings today, including the 3 small portraits in this photograph.  Recently, I wrote about breaking my palette knife again.  My favorite knife is (was) marketed as a painting knife, although I rarely used it for that purpose.  But I painted with a knife today.  I finished Garth in a Yankees Cap with a…

What I am reading

I am a voracious reader.  Since I got acclimated to my Kindle (actually the Kindle app on my iPad mini), I think I am reading more than ever, which I didn’t think possible.  Add my Audible app to the mix and my day is spent reading (or listening) to books from can’t see to can’t…