Studio journal 12/26/16
I worked on the 48" x 48" oil, Two Cakes. Two Cakes has been long in hand. I really do not like the surface; a commercial canvas by Fredrix. I bought an assortment of Fredrix…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I worked on the 48" x 48" oil, Two Cakes. Two Cakes has been long in hand. I really do not like the surface; a commercial canvas by Fredrix. I bought an assortment of Fredrix…
I thought I was going to finally finish Main Street #1 today but I fell short. I am still not satisfied with the right-most figure. So, I keep working until I'm happy with it. Today I…
In January, I wrote about breaking my stalwart palette knife. After using the knife daily for years, I really miss it. It was like losing a hand. I have plenty of knives but the one that…
Along with Winsor Newton, Blue Ridge and RGH oils get a lot of use on my palette. The categories I use to rate manufacturers in my oil paint brand reference--low-end, mid-range, and high-end--are based…
I worked on these three small paintings yesterday. I am trying to keep all three simple. Millie Talking, the painting sitting on the floor, is almost done. There are a few that still needs 'saying.'…
Have you read many turpentine reviews lately? How about ever? I use turpentine every day in my oil painting. Winsor Newton is a pretty reliable manufacturer. Their oil paint, while not the best, is very good…
This painting, Girl in the Purple Boots II, is typical of how I work these days. Like the earlier version, Girl in the Purple Boots I, the painting is based on a mash-up of several…
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