This morning’s palette
This is the state of my palette after taking it from overnight storage. I clean the palette each morning with a scrapper and remove dried colors. Often, if no colors dried overnight, I'll start right…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
This is the state of my palette after taking it from overnight storage. I clean the palette each morning with a scrapper and remove dried colors. Often, if no colors dried overnight, I'll start right…
It's raw and cold for a May day in NE Ohio. It feels more like March than May--rainy, gray, and windy. A woman asked me why I don't spend more time teaching art on my…
My work today on Spring was all blues: ultramarine blue-violet on the blouses of the outer-most figures; cerulean blue and black on the pants of the middle woman. Magnesium blue and Veronese green on the Bug. All…
Aboard the Betty Jane is another of the 48" x 60" canvases I recently wrote about. This painting is based on some photos taken during a fishing trip abroad my boat. The Betty Jane is…
I use several products manufactured by James Groves. Jim specializes in historical painting mediums and ingredients. I've tried almost all of his products and they are unfailingly excellent--world class. I use his 19th Century Copal Oil…
I made progress on Euclid Avenue I this morning. Progress on the 48" x 60" painting has been slow at times. This canvas is from a stock of 'professional grade' canvases I bought some time back. The surfaces on…
Not so much flavored as customized. My medium is very drying, which I like immensely. I use it everyday but it has one minor flaw. When I'm painting a large area, my medium is sometimes…
I've been working on paintings that take a lot of time recently, such as the lower one in this photo. The drawing in the bottom painting was done with pencil and then fixed with ink.…
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