In the studio 3/6/16
The Break is 40" x 50". I stretched a lot of 40" x 50" canvases last year and The Break is one of them. Some of the background is done, but the painting still has a…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
The Break is 40" x 50". I stretched a lot of 40" x 50" canvases last year and The Break is one of them. Some of the background is done, but the painting still has a…
Several busy days in the studio. I worked on 10-12 paintings over the past few days, including Sunday Parade. Sunday Parade is finally locked into a good place (even though I still haven't settled on its…
In my Oil Paint Brand reference I ignore Lukas oils, assigning them to the student-grade category. Recently I purchased an assortment of their 1862 line, which is their premier line. The prices for the 1862 line…
On the Square is part of my Playhouse Square series--a series of paintings with subjects taken from Cleveland's Playhouse Square. At 4' by 5', On the Square is at the outer limit for an easel painting. Any larger…
I am really glad that Blue Ridge Paints is taking orders again. I learned last month about their fire when I went to their web site to place an order. I was concerned that…
I have to laugh when I see my homemade mahl stick in one of these photos. Hey! It does the job, and its large size is useful on large paintings. Two Cakes hit a wall.…
I didn't rate Grumbacher Pre-tested paints when I created its entry in my Oil Paint Brand reference. I associate Grumbacher with my impoverished student days and hadn't used their paints in years, so I couldn't rate…
The light today, for once this winter, is good. I worked on these two paintings this morning. I finished (I think) the small (20" x 24"), gray study. I wrote about this painting before. It…
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