In the studio 4/5/15
I got some painting time this Easter morning with Washington Square. The under-painting is finished except for the figures behind and to the right of the white-shirted foreground figure. I finally(!) like the background beyond…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I got some painting time this Easter morning with Washington Square. The under-painting is finished except for the figures behind and to the right of the white-shirted foreground figure. I finally(!) like the background beyond…
I don't think I've shown this painting--Sunday Parade--before. According to my studio journal, today's painting session is the fifth. It was too raw. Still is, really. The underpainting isn't finished; but it's far enough along…
After several orders from RGH, I downgraded my rating to Quality: B (from A-). I modified my initial rating on my Oil Brand Reference but neglected to update the review. The reason for the downgrade is the…
Art supplies are absurdly expensive. Artists have to pay Cadillac and boutique prices regardless of the quality of the goods, which varies widely. What's worse is the cynicism of manufacturers. You can buy 'genuine copal varnish'…
Yesterday's painting session was the 4th for Taking Note. The underapinting is finished, which is fast (for me) considering it's large size--42" x 56". But it's only a single figure and the design is simple and…
My large order of heavy-duty stretcher strips arrived from Jerry's on Thursday. Enough stretchers and cross braces for 12 paintings: 6 @ 36" x 48"; 6 @ 40" x 50". I am preparing three at…
I've whined before about the jars RGH uses for its paint. They're useless--worse than useless. They don't seal properly so unless you use the paint straightaway, it's wasted. I lost one half of a 250ml jar…
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