New stretchers
My large order of heavy-duty stretcher strips arrived from Jerry's on Thursday. Enough stretchers and cross braces for 12 paintings: 6 @ 36" x 48"; 6 @ 40" x 50". I am preparing three at…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
My large order of heavy-duty stretcher strips arrived from Jerry's on Thursday. Enough stretchers and cross braces for 12 paintings: 6 @ 36" x 48"; 6 @ 40" x 50". I am preparing three at…
I've whined before about the jars RGH uses for its paint. They're useless--worse than useless. They don't seal properly so unless you use the paint straightaway, it's wasted. I lost one half of a 250ml jar…
I corrected the Gamblin entry in my oil paint brands reference. I erroneously provided the price of a 150ml tube of cerulean blue ($71. 21) instead of the 37ml tube, which is $26.21--a significant difference.
I gushed about my new easel last spring. It was my first new easel in a very long time. My other two easels are old and broken down. I'm always fighting them. The new easel--Utrecht Artist's Convertible…
I worked the past several days on finishing the under-painting of The Woman in Purple Boots. The Woman in Purple Boots is 40" x 50" which is a nice size and format. I'm thinking of preparing a…
Linseed oil or walnut oil? Linseed oil has always been more widely used, but walnut oil has its defenders--sometimes passionate defenders. Leonardo was one such. Walnut oil yellows less than linseed oil, but it's relative.…
This 30" x 40" oil was almost among the unfinished paintings recently purged. Instead, things started clicking during yesterday's session. I will finish it. [caption id="attachment_4755" align="aligncenter" width="444"] The unfinished painting titled 'K.B. in Princeton'…
The under-painting is done on The Photographer. All color areas are close to their planned final tone. Having said that, no part of the painting is finished; with the figure being the least finished. I'm…
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