Turpentine diaries 1/6/2019
This morning I finished the first painting of 2019, Along 4th Street. Today's session was the 14th with this painting, which is par for a painting of this size, 40"x 50." The finished 'Along 4th…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
This morning I finished the first painting of 2019, Along 4th Street. Today's session was the 14th with this painting, which is par for a painting of this size, 40"x 50." The finished 'Along 4th…
Art is filled with aphorisms. Fat over lean, for instance, is a famous adage. The meaning for this old saw that is the most straightforward is to paint thickly-applied paint over thinly-applied paint. Why this…
I must be extra energized today after being under the weather yesterday. I actually took a nap yesterday--a long one too. If you knew me, you'd know that I never take naps. Anyway, I finished…
The Picnic is another as-yet unfinished painting that I put aside until I could see it with fresh eyes. My eyes have freshened up and I recently had two good sessions pounding on it. I…
I finished Bench by the Lake in a short session yesterday. I hadn't looked at the painting for months before yesterday's session. It's not unusual for a painting to be in-hand for a long time,…
I haven't posted in a month and some readers might be wondering if anything is up. Nope. A vacation mixed-in with some other business has kept me away from my brushes. Breaks can be good;…
Keep fresh It is certainly important to keep fresh eyes. I'd planned to write more about this important topic but I've missed my usual posting date, so if I don't post soon, it will be…
Normally in my Turpentine Diaries posts, I include a photo of an unfinished painting after having worked on it. As regular readers know, I'm not shy about criticizing my work--far from it! There are always…
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