Category: Paintings

In the studio 10/25/15

After drawing this morning, I worked on Picnic. In addition to the four main figures, there are 27 other figures, or parts of figures, in the background. I’m having fun with all those figures. I went back and forth several times about this painting. The central figure’s back to the viewer has the potential to take the painting in…

In the studio 10/18/15

It took awhile for Parade to get going. The ground is nonabsorbent and I fought it during the first several sessions. I still don’t like it but it’s starting to cook with gas now. Another thing that is challenging is the scale of the figures. They’re at that in-between scale; too small for full treatment,…

In the studio 9/28/15

The Girl in the Purple Boots is 40″ x 50.” I enjoy the size so much, I prepared 6 additional canvases of the same size. One is in the drawing stage and another is in the early painting stage. The Girl in the Purple Boots is composed from three photos taken in Manhattan. It’s not part of…

Finished ‘Graduation Day’

I finished Graduation Day yesterday. Graduation Day is 42″ x 56.”  Twice before I thought I was approaching the finishing session only to run out of steam. But yesterday’s morning session went well, so I was able to finish it. I’ve been working on paintings in which the scale of the figures varies. Graduation Day’s progression…