Lukas 1862 oils test drive
I used some of the Lukas 1862 oils I wrote about before. I'm still not ready to add the brand to my oil paint reference because I need more testing. In their marketing material, Lukas…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I used some of the Lukas 1862 oils I wrote about before. I'm still not ready to add the brand to my oil paint reference because I need more testing. In their marketing material, Lukas…
Along with Winsor Newton, Blue Ridge and RGH oils get a lot of use on my palette. The categories I use to rate manufacturers in my oil paint brand reference--low-end, mid-range, and high-end--are based…
Have you read many turpentine reviews lately? How about ever? I use turpentine every day in my oil painting. Winsor Newton is a pretty reliable manufacturer. Their oil paint, while not the best, is very good…
I am a voracious reader. Since I got acclimated to my Kindle (actually the Kindle app on my iPad mini), I think I am reading more than ever, which I didn't think possible. Add my…
I listened to the two books in the Heorot series, The Legacy of Heorot, and Beowulf's Children on my Audible app. The books were written by the team of Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Steve…
I bought some cerulean blue from Charvin. Actually, Charvin doesn't produce a true cerulean blue but something they call 'cerulean blue hue.' Charvin produces two lines of paints: Fine, and Extra Fine. This review is…
For an artist, Nightcrawler is a fascinating movie. Nightcrawler, released in 2014 and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, is about a bottom feeder, Lou Bloom (Gyllenhaal), who discovers the world of crime scene photo-journalism. Bloom, armed with…
Steven Pressfield's the War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles offers pop psychology advice to struggling writers and artists. Pressfield is most known for his novel and film The Legend…
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