Turpentine diaries 12/21/18
I must be extra energized today after being under the weather yesterday. I actually took a nap yesterday--a long one too. If you knew me, you'd know that I never take naps. Anyway, I finished…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I must be extra energized today after being under the weather yesterday. I actually took a nap yesterday--a long one too. If you knew me, you'd know that I never take naps. Anyway, I finished…
The Picnic is another as-yet unfinished painting that I put aside until I could see it with fresh eyes. My eyes have freshened up and I recently had two good sessions pounding on it. I…
Sunshine has been rare in NE Ohio. The sunlight lighting the studio is cheery and warming--and winter has barely started. Yes, I have five computers on my desk. I am using three of them to…
Keep fresh It is certainly important to keep fresh eyes. I'd planned to write more about this important topic but I've missed my usual posting date, so if I don't post soon, it will be…
Normally in my Turpentine Diaries posts, I include a photo of an unfinished painting after having worked on it. As regular readers know, I'm not shy about criticizing my work--far from it! There are always…
I wrote before about the drying linseed oil I prepared. I decided to continue my investigations by preparing some drying walnut oil, the results of which you can see in the accompanying photograph. The walnut…
Down on Prospect Avenue? Prospect Avenue? Prospect? Down on Prospect? The latter is the name I plan to stick with. This painting is almost finished. My habit is to put away an almost-done painting and…
I am happy with my painting medium, as I've written before, but I also like to kick the tires of new offerings. I wrote about my use of Grove's Cole's medium several times, noting how…
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