In the studio 11/13/16
Some recent work on view in this photo. Break, lower-right, is part of the Playhouse Square series and is close to being finished. Press, lower-left, is sill very raw. Sunday Parade, on the easel, was recently…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
Some recent work on view in this photo. Break, lower-right, is part of the Playhouse Square series and is close to being finished. Press, lower-left, is sill very raw. Sunday Parade, on the easel, was recently…
My studio corner is jammed with things I'm working on, including the recently finished Woman in Purple Boots II. Woman in Purple Boots II is 44" x 60". In the bottom-right of the photo is…
I worked a little while on this small painting, which is part of the Playhouse Square series. I also spent time working on a large drawing. It's been awhile since I've done that. Of late,…
Have you read many turpentine reviews lately? How about ever? I use turpentine every day in my oil painting. Winsor Newton is a pretty reliable manufacturer. Their oil paint, while not the best, is very good…
This painting, Girl in the Purple Boots II, is typical of how I work these days. Like the earlier version, Girl in the Purple Boots I, the painting is based on a mash-up of several…
This photo shows painting cups in front of my custom-made palette. I always use this selection of mediums and solvents when I paint. In the left-most container is my medium. My medium is very drying which…
I worked on several paintings over the past few days. I also applied the ground to the canvas on the right-side of the photo. The tone is burnt sienna, raw umber, and white. I used…
I'm trying to keep Photographer simple by suppressing detail. Some parts I'm liking but other parts bug me. At this point, I can't guess when it will be done. I worked it all over during the…
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