Category: Studio Corner

Tom Hudson

I listened to songs by PJ Harvey during this morning’s painting session (actually drawing session). Her songs are filled with the kind of poetry that tears you up–just what I like. Many of her songs are inspired by history, like WWI. That’s pretty unique. Anyway, I found a temporary solution to my slipping easel problem. A large binder clip fastened to the spine provides enough firmness to hold the cross-brace in place. Applying paint while the entire painting slides beneath your brush is VERY ANNOYING.

In the studio 3/23/2014

Here is my usual weekly post about what’s cookin’.  The top painting is ‘Deb.’ The lower painting isn’t very far advanced but I think you can get a sense of what’s afoot. It’s called ‘Antique Shop.’ To paint this large piece, I had to prop the easel’s cross-box on my knee to keep it from…


Here is my general. all-purpose palette. It has a good assortment of every color group and the core neutrals I always mix. You can do just fine with fewer colors–three or even fewer from each group is certainly workable. When I was younger, I had a very limited palette because I had a very limited…

Studio mess

As this photograph demonstrates, I need more studio space. Not shown are the larger–5′ x 6′– paintings that are precariously stacked on one another.  My separate storage area is overflowing with even larger paintings, like Black Lake (72″ x 96″), and other large, primed canvases ready to be worked. We are planning to buy a property…

In the studio 3/9/2014

Here is some recent work. Saturday was a light work day because of family functions. The top painting is titled “Explain,” and I think it’s far enough along now that you can get a sense of what it’s about. The lower painting–“Jane With Her Hand on Her Hip”–is of, well, Jane (It’s also about blue,…

In the studio 2/23/2014

The large (42″ x 68″), unfinished painting is titled Conversation. The smaller (36″ x 48″) painting, Whispers, was finished yesterday. Two paintings of people talking while outdoors? A coincidence (I think), although I have been surprised in the past on discovering groups of paintings that share the same unplanned theme. A few years ago I was surprised…