This morning’s palette
This is the state of my palette after taking it from overnight storage. I clean the palette each morning with a scrapper and remove dried colors. Often, if no colors dried overnight, I'll start right…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
This is the state of my palette after taking it from overnight storage. I clean the palette each morning with a scrapper and remove dried colors. Often, if no colors dried overnight, I'll start right…
I am into the overpainting phase with Parade. although the surface is still very matte. No part is exactly done. [caption id="attachment_6183" align="aligncenter" width="888"] 'Parade' on the easel[/caption] Yesterday's morning session went poorly. I couldn't…
Not so much flavored as customized. My medium is very drying, which I like immensely. I use it everyday but it has one minor flaw. When I'm painting a large area, my medium is sometimes…
The Break is 40" x 50". I stretched a lot of 40" x 50" canvases last year and The Break is one of them. Some of the background is done, but the painting still has a…
I am really glad that Blue Ridge Paints is taking orders again. I learned last month about their fire when I went to their web site to place an order. I was concerned that…
The light today, for once this winter, is good. I worked on these two paintings this morning. I finished (I think) the small (20" x 24"), gray study. I wrote about this painting before. It…
I've written before about the various methods used to transfer designs to canvas or other surfaces. There are three ways to do it: projector, grid, or cartoon. Typically, I use grids. Grids can handle any scale and I like…
This is the first time I've shown Break. Break is 40" x 50" and I've had four painting sessions. Break is another of my Playhouse Square series. The painting in the background, Euclid Avenue II,…
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