Avant-garde and kitsch
In this podcast, I look at Clement Greenberg's influential article from 1939, 'Avant-Garde and Kitsch.'
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
In this podcast, I look at Clement Greenberg's influential article from 1939, 'Avant-Garde and Kitsch.'
I had 2 more sessions with Troopers. That's 7 sessions. Am I half-way through (12 sessions is par for me for paintings of this size)? I think so, yeah. I used some of my homemade…
In this second podcast, I talk about why I visit art museums so frequently and discuss drawing.
I planned on starting a podcast for a long time and today I finally got around to doing it. In the initial Turpentine diaries podcast, I talk about recovering a painting that failed, materially failed,…
Easter. After mass, I had a short session with Agamemnon and Orestes, a painting that is 44" x 60." Busy, busy. Crushed with work, which makes me happy. It means the juices are flowing and…
This photo shows my new painting, Troopers, after 4 sessions. I've covered the canvas with paint, and now I'm putting it aside to dry. I typically need 12 sessions to finish a painting of this…
Crossing is part of the Main Street Series. I had several long sessions with it just now but I have no idea when I might finish it. Soon I hope. There are 17 figures or…
I finished a couple of paintings during the past several days, including the one in the left-hand background of this photo. I also had my second session with the painting on the easel, Portrait of…
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