Turpentine diaries 3/11/18
I caught a cold or some such yesterday and, under its influence, I didn't write my planned-for post. Today, I am still under the weather but have roused myself to write a few lines. March…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I caught a cold or some such yesterday and, under its influence, I didn't write my planned-for post. Today, I am still under the weather but have roused myself to write a few lines. March…
The one thing I dislike about my current studio is that it doesn't have north-facing windows. The direct, late afternoon light makes taking photos a challenge. I took a photo of Trip to Playhouse Square,…
I finished Three Women in Sandals (I know, I know--a lame name. Three Women in Sandals is another painting in my Playhouse Square series. It's 44" x 60." By now, I've created a large number of paintings…
More Playhouse Square work. This one is creatively titled Trip to Playhouse Square. This (still) unfinished painting is 40" x 50." I like the size and recently ordered enough stretchers for 9 paintings sizes 40"…
This unfinished painting, Lunch Alone is 32" x 46," is part of the Playhouse Square series. I like my medium a lot but I'm always willing to try new things, especially when they come from…
I've written several times about the oil paint manufacturer RGH. No, I don't have a relationship with them, it's just that I use their product a lot. Their flake white is my current go-to white. …
I was going to write about some medium-related topics today but I am tired and want to keep this brief. Today's sessions with Down on Prospect Avenue were filled with pushing and pulling. Not struggling…
I'm using a touch of a new medium today--Grove's Cole's varnish. It's a copal-based varnish, which makes it close--first cousin--to my normal medium. I plan, after more work, to write a review, so I won't…
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