Turpentine diaries 10/21/17
I finished Spring during my morning session. I added a tiny little bit of sun-thickened oil to my usual medium. A small amount of this oil dramatically affects the paint. Sun-thickened oil, unlike stand oil…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I finished Spring during my morning session. I added a tiny little bit of sun-thickened oil to my usual medium. A small amount of this oil dramatically affects the paint. Sun-thickened oil, unlike stand oil…
Terrible photo but it's dark and I'm tired so it will have to do. Man With a Baby Carriage is in the final stage--the fun stage. If the drawing is strong, it will take you…
The unfinished painting The Press is 40" x 50." I've used RGH's walnut-ground flake white for a couple of weeks and I like it more and more. It keeps its body even when thinned to…
Along 4th Street is 40" x 50." The surface is very good and the painting is moving well. When the surface is solid, I do less re-painting and things go faster. I've written about how…
The studio is busy just now. The drawing is a study for a large painting I'm preparing to launch. The figures, except for the right-hand two, are prominent in the new painting's design. I plan…
I started working on the painting on the easel, Along 4th Street, yesterday. I've had two long sessions on it, but it still needs a lot of work. I'm careful about cutting off figures…
The finished painting on the floor in this photo, Dare, is another painting of my son Keith standing in front of an earlier painting with him as the subject. Dare is 24" x 30." The…
I finished the small painting sitting on the floor this morning. I thought I'd finished it last week but something about it bugged me this morning, so I couldn't resist taking-up the brush. Sometimes when…
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