Ugly colors
There are no ugly colors. This is a bit of conventional studio wisdom that is actually true. When I was starting out, I used a limited palette out of necessity. My palette had a lot…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
There are no ugly colors. This is a bit of conventional studio wisdom that is actually true. When I was starting out, I used a limited palette out of necessity. My palette had a lot…
I 'finished' Trooper Escort several months ago. I often struggle with what 'finished' means in practice. These days, I put 'finished' paintings aside before signing them. This gives me time to cool off and be…
Most of the tropes we learn about art and art-making are rubbish. One meaningless trope is, "Real artistes only use large brushes." Alright, then. "A six-inch brush for this five-inch canvas, right Professor?" "Don't get…
Readers have asked why I don't have a review of Geneva brand oils in my Oil Paint reference. The short answer is that I haven't used their oils. The longer answer is a little more…
I keep sketchbooks and doddle-books. Sketchbooks are for quick sketches where freshness and directness are important. Sketches can be simple or elaborate. Aaron Blaise is a good artists who has some YouTube videos about his…
There is a lot of confusion among artists about turpentine and mineral spirits. Some YouTubers promote Gamasol as an alternative to turpentine. One even recommends Gamsol as a natural substitute for mineral spirits.(?) This particular…
The two series that have preoccupied me over the past several years are still moving along. One of them, Playhouse Square, I started deliberately. After launching the series, I continued to take photographs in the…
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