Video: A cautionary tale For those interested in the audio-only version, here's the link to the podcast:
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~ For those interested in the audio-only version, here's the link to the podcast:
WHAT WAS THE SECRET OF THE OLD MASTERS? THE ALCHEMISTS KNEW...AND SO SHALL YOU! That bold claim was printed on the (hilarious) instruction sheet tied to the products sold by the Alchemist. The Alchemist no…
Where and when did modern art start? Let's start with Courbet. Bonjour M Courbet Burial at Ornans The Artist's Studio
Methods and Materials of Painting of the Great Schools and Masters by Sir Charles Eastlake is the best resource--by far--for information about painting methods and materials. Just like the title states. The older studio traditions…
I can't imagine why anyone would want to watch me paint but--believe it or not--I get asked to do session videos with some frequency. So I taped some of my session with Directions. Directions is…
As much as I whine and moan about this or that, I'm not the hot-house plant that I may appear. And sometimes my paintings go well! (Although, I won't say that too loudly or I'll…
In this podcast, I look at Clement Greenberg's influential article from 1939, 'Avant-Garde and Kitsch.'
I had 2 more sessions with Troopers. That's 7 sessions. Am I half-way through (12 sessions is par for me for paintings of this size)? I think so, yeah. I used some of my homemade…
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