Turpentine diaries 4/21/19
Easter. After mass, I had a short session with Agamemnon and Orestes, a painting that is 44" x 60." Busy, busy. Crushed with work, which makes me happy. It means the juices are flowing and…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
Easter. After mass, I had a short session with Agamemnon and Orestes, a painting that is 44" x 60." Busy, busy. Crushed with work, which makes me happy. It means the juices are flowing and…
This photo shows my new painting, Troopers, after 4 sessions. I've covered the canvas with paint, and now I'm putting it aside to dry. I typically need 12 sessions to finish a painting of this…
Woman in Red Pants is getting there. I've left the channel and I'm moving toward the dock with favorable wind and tide. This is brief because I'm time-tasked.
I support the paint maker RGH by regularly buying their paint. RGH prices are drifting higher off their initial lows, but their paint is still among the best value on the market--decent stuff at affordable…
I'm a little tired this evening so I'll keep this diary entry brief. Fork, after 4-5 sessions, is moving out of the under-painting stage. I restrict the under-painting to thinly-applied darks and local colors, which…
I completed the under painting today for Fork. Fork is 54" 66". Even if you're not familiar with my blog, you can probably see that the painting is still a long way from the finish…
Regardless of where you are in your career, you will do well to establish a baseline for your oil-painting toolkit. The baseline provides a powerful framework that you can use to analyze materials and techniques.…
A reader said he tried sun-thickened oil on my recommendation but it didn't demonstrate the handling quality that I'd claimed for it. Secret sauce and other seasonings Sun-thickened oil has the happy quality of maintaining…
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