Dead brush
The poor old thing finally gave up the ghost. I knocked the Pearl brand in my Brush Reference, but this old brush kept its usefulness for a long time. The once mighty Pearl Paints has…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
The poor old thing finally gave up the ghost. I knocked the Pearl brand in my Brush Reference, but this old brush kept its usefulness for a long time. The once mighty Pearl Paints has…
The cheery sunlight made me pause as I entered the studio and take this photo. The easel has the painting Break on it. Break is 40" x 50." Studio corner with some current work drying. Break is…
I wrote before about some of my experiences with Lukas 1862 oils. I wanted some more time with the paints before completing my review. With these recent sessions, I've had my fill of Lukas oils.…
These two recent pastel drawings are on canvas. Primed canvas is an unusual support for pastels or charcoal because it's not absorbent enough. Pastel chalk falls off too easily. I originally intended to use these canvases…
Here's the studio corner with recently-worked paintings drying. The bottom-right painting, Sub Rosa, is still in the starting stages. You can see the gray-tone ground throughout.
I used some of the Lukas 1862 oils I wrote about before. I'm still not ready to add the brand to my oil paint reference because I need more testing. In their marketing material, Lukas…
I worked on the 48" x 48" oil, Two Cakes. Two Cakes has been long in hand. I really do not like the surface; a commercial canvas by Fredrix. I bought an assortment of Fredrix…
In January, I wrote about breaking my stalwart palette knife. After using the knife daily for years, I really miss it. It was like losing a hand. I have plenty of knives but the one that…
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