Category: Uncategorized

God Hates Renoir

I had to laugh when I read this article in the Independent.  The story is about the group calling themselves Renoir Sucks protesting in front of Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts. Renoir Sucks’ main tenant is, well, that Renoir sucks. The group maintains that they are tired of the ‘irredeemable treacle of Pierre-Auguste Renoir diluting the collection.’ They are…

Old painting medium revisited

I’ve written before about my oil medium. I wasn’t exaggerating when I wrote that my medium, one I’ve used for years, is the result of many, many trials.  I haven’t used every possible medium, of course, but I’ve tried a lot of them. No one can try all possible combinations.  Recently, I revisited one of my…

Finished ‘Graduation Day’

I finished Graduation Day yesterday. Graduation Day is 42″ x 56.”  Twice before I thought I was approaching the finishing session only to run out of steam. But yesterday’s morning session went well, so I was able to finish it. I’ve been working on paintings in which the scale of the figures varies. Graduation Day’s progression…

In the studio 9/13/15

I put 10 hours into Washington Square today. I planned to spend just a single hour on it before turning to other paintings. I have one I’m itching to get back to; I think I can finish in one long session. But Washington Square sucked me in. I didn’t even watch any of the NFL’s opening Sunday…