In the Studio 4/21/2013
Some of today's work. The large painting (5' x 6') is titled 'Atlantic City I.' My wife is from New Jersey and she used to live and work in Atlantic City, so I've spent time…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
Some of today's work. The large painting (5' x 6') is titled 'Atlantic City I.' My wife is from New Jersey and she used to live and work in Atlantic City, so I've spent time…
Some of today's work: 'Grandfather' is large by my recent standards--40" x 60". The drawing was transferred using a grid. When the drawing was done, I inked it, that is, I went over it with…
Here is a batch of some recent work. The large painting--'The Conversation'--is 66" high. It's not far from being finished (knock wood). The smaller paintings are Betty Jane paintings, that is, paintings of people aboard…
We are in the midst of a surging revival of interest in historical painting methods. More is written on the topic each day. Many authors point to received experts (Eastlake and Doerner to name just…
I enjoy student shows and attend them whenever I've a chance. While most student shows are filled with, well, student-grade work, I almost always find a gem or two. So I wasn't disappointed when the bill of fare for…
I've updated the Oil Paint Brands material to reflect the recent quality decline of several brands: LeFranc, Rembrandt, and Daniel Smith. All three have fallen from the ‘mid-range, good value’ category to student grade. Avoid except…
I got a little work done this morning (got up at 5:00) then again after church at St. Mary's. Worked on the three in this photo, plus one or two others. All have the cheap…
Lake Erie came alive this week; Spring is finally here. The first private boats were spotted--what a cheery sight! One brave soul was night fishing, his running lights moving slowly through the night. Soon boat…
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