In the studio 4/24/16
My work today on Spring was all blues: ultramarine blue-violet on the blouses of the outer-most figures; cerulean blue and black on the pants of the middle woman. Magnesium blue and Veronese green on the Bug. All…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
My work today on Spring was all blues: ultramarine blue-violet on the blouses of the outer-most figures; cerulean blue and black on the pants of the middle woman. Magnesium blue and Veronese green on the Bug. All…
In my Oil Paint Brand reference I ignore Lukas oils, assigning them to the student-grade category. Recently I purchased an assortment of their 1862 line, which is their premier line. The prices for the 1862 line…
I am really glad that Blue Ridge Paints is taking orders again. I learned last month about their fire when I went to their web site to place an order. I was concerned that…
I didn't rate Grumbacher Pre-tested paints when I created its entry in my Oil Paint Brand reference. I associate Grumbacher with my impoverished student days and hadn't used their paints in years, so I couldn't rate…
I prepared today's medium and took yesterday's palette out of the butcher's tray where I store it. (The rectangular palette is my workaday palette; I only use the traditional oval one to mix certain tones.) I…
I bought some cerulean blue from Charvin. Actually, Charvin doesn't produce a true cerulean blue but something they call 'cerulean blue hue.' Charvin produces two lines of paints: Fine, and Extra Fine. This review is…
I've whined before about the jars RGH uses for its paint. They're useless--worse than useless. They don't seal properly so unless you use the paint straightaway, it's wasted. I lost one half of a 250ml jar…
Linseed oil or walnut oil? Linseed oil has always been more widely used, but walnut oil has its defenders--sometimes passionate defenders. Leonardo was one such. Walnut oil yellows less than linseed oil, but it's relative.…
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