Tag: paintings

In the studio 11/6/16

My studio corner is jammed with things I’m working on, including the recently finished Woman in Purple Boots II.  Woman in Purple Boots II is 44″ x 60″.   In the bottom-right of the photo is a box of surgical gloves.  I buy them by the case.  My medium contains lead-based ingredients and turpentine, plus some…

In the studio 10/23/16

I worked a little while on this small painting, which is part of the Playhouse Square series.  I also spent time working on a large drawing.  It’s been awhile since I’ve done that.  Of late, most of my drawings have been as preparation for paintings. I have a mess of canvases ready to go, everything…

In the studio 10/4/16

Working the oil titled ‘Photographer.’I’m trying to keep Photographer simple by suppressing detail.  Some parts I’m liking but other parts bug me. At this point, I can’t guess when it will be done.  I worked it all over during the last session and I’m going to put it aside and let it thoroughly dry before taking…

In the studio 10/2/16

I’ve titled this painting Sunday, then Parade, and now I’m calling it Sunday Parade.  Let’s see how long that lasts. This painting is at the fun stage.  When I get a painting to this stage, I do whatever I like and add touches as they occur to me.  This morning I told my wife I…

In the studio 8/28/16

This painting is still raggedy;  some parts, such as the hair, are barely started.  The thing I’m not happy with is the title: Phone Call on Main Street.  It’s not so much a title as a description. I don’t like the raised edges that can occur where two carefully-painted areas meet.  Beneath the bench, you…

In the studio 5/15/16

I have a lot of small canvases ready to go.  By small I mean in the 24′ x 30′ range. Recently, I started painting landscapes on three of them. You can see the beginning of one in the background sitting on the wastepaper basket. Yesterday I worked on the landscape seen out the window in Grandfather and had…

In the studio 5/1/16

It’s raw and cold for a May day in NE Ohio.  It feels more like March than May–rainy, gray, and windy. A woman asked me why I don’t spend more time teaching art on my website.  Seeing my puzzlement, she added, “You write about technical subjects related to painting, but you don’t provide instruction on…

In the studio 4/26/16

After a long hiatus, I worked on Washington Square Park again. How many times have I reworked the background?  Well, are you going to tell me or not? OK, it’s been A LOT.  That didn’t stop me from working on it again.  Most things are done or really, really close.  I’ve done this–obsessively reworking–before, many…