In the (new) studio 11/16/2014
This is the first 'In the studio' update from the new studio. The Picnic has been thoroughly roughed-in and the over-painting is underway. The dark tones will be pushed next. The folding chairs in the…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
This is the first 'In the studio' update from the new studio. The Picnic has been thoroughly roughed-in and the over-painting is underway. The dark tones will be pushed next. The folding chairs in the…
I started the over-painting on The News this morning. The News is 44" x 60." I haven't put brush to it for several weeks while I waited for it to dry. I do a lot of layers…
This is the first time I've shown this painting, titled Three Girls. Today's painting session was the fourth. The underpainting is finished and this morning I started the over-painting. [caption id="attachment_4353" align="aligncenter" width="444"] The unfinished…
I didn't get much painting done today but I did work on Heated Museum Discussion. I wiped the entire surface with denatured alcohol before stating and the paint went on like butter. [caption id="attachment_4341" align="aligncenter"…
I worked on this small painting this morning. I am still working on the underpainting but it's far enough along to show. [caption id="attachment_4322" align="aligncenter" width="444"] On the easel: the unfinished 'John in a White…
Today's session was the third painting session for The Photographer (32" x 48"). The under-painting is nearly finished--one more session. Because it's a single female figure, it reminds me of the recently finished The Explainer.…
I've been working on this painting, Washington Square, for some time. The underpainting is far enough along to show it. It's 44" x 56". I'm 6'2," so you can get a sense of the painting's…
I am wrapping up one of my really big paintings. This bad boy, The Offensive, is 74" x 96"--roughly 6 by 8 feet. It comes from a series of paintings with subjects that are more topical than…
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