Drawing session on the painting titled The Photographer
I had a good drawing session on the painting titled The Photographer this morning. This painting of a single figure is 32" x 48." I think one more session will be enough. When I mentioned…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I had a good drawing session on the painting titled The Photographer this morning. This painting of a single figure is 32" x 48." I think one more session will be enough. When I mentioned…
This morning, as usual, I worked on drawings, this time for a painting titled The Photographer. This was the 2nd drawing session for it. I spent the rest of the day painting on the 44" x…
I had several sessions with this painting, Dinner in Trenton, over the past few days. It was the first opportunity to use my new Terkell flats; first-rate brushes--and affordability priced. [caption id="attachment_4124" align="aligncenter" width="500"] On the easel, the…
I had several painting sessions with a new painting titled Washington Square. I finished the drawing yesterday morning (6th or 7th drawing session) and started straightaway on the painting. The 44" x 60" has twelve figures--and…
I had my first drawing session for a new painting this morning. The Photographer is 32" x 48" and like The Explainer the subject is a single figure, although this time the figure is outdoors.
I've had two more session with this painting since I last posted an update. That makes seven sessions, not counting the drawing sessions. [caption id="attachment_4047" align="aligncenter" width="500"] On the easel, the unfinished 'Graduation Day'[/caption] The…
This unfinished painting is titled The Picnic. Today's session was the fourth, not including the drawing sessions. [caption id="attachment_4021" align="aligncenter" width="500"] "The Picnic" 4th sitting[/caption] The painting is 40" x 56". The ground is neutral burnt…
This painting has occupied me for the past three days. The 42" x 56" oil is from an a batch I started this spring. The red gown provides a satisfying challenge. As usual, drawing is…
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