Turpentine diaries 12/17/17
I feel like Sisyphus. The batch of paintings that are working me over are all in mid-flight. I keep rolling the rock uphill but I haven't reached or even seen the crest of the hill. Not only…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I feel like Sisyphus. The batch of paintings that are working me over are all in mid-flight. I keep rolling the rock uphill but I haven't reached or even seen the crest of the hill. Not only…
After flavoring my medium with additions for several days, today I used my normal medium. I worked on this painting during both of today's sessions. When the painting surface is right, as with this painting,…
Yesterday's Thanksgiving holiday was wonderful at our house. We had three of our children here to share my wife's delicious turkey and stuffing. Daughter Jane baked an apple pie, and son Keith made deep-fried mac and cheese. …
Upsidedown. It's useful to look at your paintings in mirrors or upsidedown, as I've down here. The old rule-of-thumb maintains that a painting should be balanced when looked at normally and in a mirror. That old…
Terrible photo but it's dark and I'm tired so it will have to do. Man With a Baby Carriage is in the final stage--the fun stage. If the drawing is strong, it will take you…
The unfinished painting The Press is 40" x 50." I've used RGH's walnut-ground flake white for a couple of weeks and I like it more and more. It keeps its body even when thinned to…
I started working on the painting on the easel, Along 4th Street, yesterday. I've had two long sessions on it, but it still needs a lot of work. I'm careful about cutting off figures…
The finished painting on the floor in this photo, Dare, is another painting of my son Keith standing in front of an earlier painting with him as the subject. Dare is 24" x 30." The…
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