Studio journal 4/30/17
The unfinished Women in Sandals is part of the Playhouse Square series. Women in Sandals is 44" x 60." Here is a painting tip: If you are struggling to get light in a painting, strengthen the…
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
The unfinished Women in Sandals is part of the Playhouse Square series. Women in Sandals is 44" x 60." Here is a painting tip: If you are struggling to get light in a painting, strengthen the…
Here is today's activity. As usual, both paintings are unfinished. Both are part of the Playhouse Square series. Lately, I've been using Utrecht's flake white. It performs decently and is decently priced too. I actually…
I spent the last two days hammering the armor on the middle-lower painting. (Painters will know what I mean.) It's not done but it's getting there. The small painting is for me. It's a painting…
As usual, here is a shot of recent stuff. I really like the surface on the new painting, Grand Army of the Republic Highway. The gray tone of the ground, which can be seen throughout…
The Candidate, on the easel, is 36" x 48," which a format I've used a lot recently. The design is based on photos I took during the RNC in Cleveland last summer. I use…
See, I know I'm my own worst critic. Whenever I finish a painting, I put it away so I can't look at it for several weeks. If I don't put it away, I'll find things…
Due to changing my ISP, I am late posting this journal entry. I finished the underpainting for Down on Prospect Avenue and started some over-painting. The painting has a long way to go but I've…
I worked on these two paintings today. They are at the opposite ends of their cycles. I just started the underpainting on The Candidate (painting on the floor). The other painting, Phone Call on Main…
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