In the studio 8/14/16
I'm having fun with the blues in Break. Break is part of the Playhouse Square Series. Break is 40" x 50." [caption id="attachment_6322" align="aligncenter" width="666"] 'Break' on the easel[/caption]
~ ~ Thomas Hudson studio journal ~ ~
I'm having fun with the blues in Break. Break is part of the Playhouse Square Series. Break is 40" x 50." [caption id="attachment_6322" align="aligncenter" width="666"] 'Break' on the easel[/caption]
Playhouse Square Trip is, as the name implies, part of the Playhouse Square series. The design is based on several photos I took during one of my photo sessions at the Square. As readers know,…
Sometimes I have to sneak up on a painting. It took me awhile to identify what was bugging me about Break Time. The background behind the right-hand figure didn't please me, so I corrected it…
I am into the overpainting phase with Parade. although the surface is still very matte. No part is exactly done. [caption id="attachment_6183" align="aligncenter" width="888"] 'Parade' on the easel[/caption] Yesterday's morning session went poorly. I couldn't…
I went to our Main Street three separate times to take photographs for this composition. I won't bore you with why it took three trips. I finally got photos I can use and cobbled together several…
I have a lot of small canvases ready to go. By small I mean in the 24' x 30' range. Recently, I started painting landscapes on three of them. You can see the beginning of one…
It's raw and cold for a May day in NE Ohio. It feels more like March than May--rainy, gray, and windy. A woman asked me why I don't spend more time teaching art on my…
After working on paintings with a lot of figures in them, working on The Photographer's single figure is refreshing. I don't actually know the woman in this painting, which is based on one of many…
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