Utrecht is dead to me

Flake white is critical for oil painting. I buy flake white from RGH, Blue Ridge, and (occasionally) Utrecht. I discovered this past weekend that Utrecht doesn’t sell flake white any longer. This unwanted discovery kills the Utrecht brand for me. Their oil paint is decidedly on the low-end of professional brands. Except for their flake white, they don’t produce a single color I consider exceptional. 

Even the comparable Rembrandt brand makes one color I enjoy. I like the transparency of Rembrant’s raw umber.

When my tubes of Utrecht flake white run out, that’s it. The flake wite on today’s palette is among the last of its kind. 

  8 comments for “Utrecht is dead to me

  1. I’ve used Utrecht oils on and off since the late seventies. The company did manufacture a superior line of pure colors. For example, pure cadmium reds yellows and such. I still have a few tubes purchased in the late 80s and early 90s, and the the paint is still very workable – the oils have not yellowed or polymerized in the least, the mass tone and color saturation still excellent. I agree that the flake white products they reintroduced some 10 to 15 years ago were very good. Unfortunately, Utrecht quality started to erode when Dick blick bought them some years back. Solid values and dependable products are now few and far between. A sad situation for a once proud company.

  2. Yeah, it’s not the same anymore. By the way, I visited your gallery, Peter, good paintings!

  3. Damn…I was looking to restock my flake white and it seems both Utrecht and Williamsburg have discontinued it. Which of the RGH lead whites do you recommend as replacement?

  4. I prefer their standard Cremintz white over their extra-fine version. I haven’t tried their Flemish white. What RGH calls “flake” contains titanium.

  5. Hey, I was googling Utrecht Flake White and stumbled upon this. My dad was the founder of Utrecht Art Supplies. They had to stop manufacturing it because it was harmful to the guys in the factory who made it, and then ultimately I think everyone had to stop making it. Norman (Gulamerian) was just the first to stop company to manufacturing it. As it happens, I am going through his studio right now (he passed away in 2020) and I have a ton of unused, pristine condition original Utrecht Flake White 5 oz tubes. I was going to put it up for sale on Ebay. But just because you said Utrecht was dead to you, I want to make up for your disappointment and I’d be happy to send you a tube to two. My dad retired in 1997, well into his 70’s so he could paint full time. He was an awesome guy who actually started the whole company to offer unprimed linen to artists because he was an artist and couldn’t find it in the late 1940’s.. Anyway. Email me your address and I’ll send some along.

  6. Thank you for the information about your father and his company. Utrecht was one of my most-used brands for years. I remember visiting the Utrecht store in Manhattan’s East Village countless times. Recently, I continue to visit the store in Cleveland. Good prices for quality stuff is much appreciated by artists like me.

    Thank you for your offer of paint–rest assured I will use it straight away!

  7. Hi, I emailed you. Figured I’d try here as well. I’m just waiting to hear back to send to make sure you’re around to receive the tubes. I just didn’t want it sitting around in the heat. I’ll ship out when I hear from you.
    Thank you,

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