I use my small backyard shed as my woodshop. I would rather do my carpentry in that cramped space than have the sawdust from my table saw in the studio. Even modest carpentry jobs like frame and stretcher building produce A LOT of sawdust.

In the warm weather, I keep the shop doors open to the ever-present sounds of Lake Erie. Although yesterday was sunny, as you can see in this photo, it was the first jacket-wearing day of the Fall. When Winter comes, the shed is frigid. I keep a small heater in there but it does little on the coldest days.

The shop is just big enough for my table saw. The lumber in the left background is for the next three stretchers I plan to build. Each stretcher will be for a 42″ x 54″ canvas.

Yesterday, I assembled the fence gate that I created to replace the old one. Next, I’ll paint it white before attaching the hardware.

Good painter