I always want a supply of large canvases available to me. I’ve learned that the only canvases that satisfy my perfectionist side are the canvases I make myself. I’ve tried many commercial canvases and none have ever satisfied me. So I make my own.
The six canvases are all in the 40″ x 54″ range, which is my preferred format. I build the stretchers with my table saw from DeWalt. This DeWalt saw can be folded and stored out of the way, as seen in the accompanying photo.

After I stretch the canvases, I apply a single layer of GAC 100 or acrylic gesso. I follow the first layer with two scrapper-applied layers of oil-lead gesso. I added a neutral oil color to the final lead-oil layer, as you can see in the photo.
This spring I plan to build some larger canvases in the 5′ -6′ range.