Welcome to my blog and gallery.
About me
I am from the American Midwest so, of course, I’m a hayseed. My favorite expression is golly.
Except for some disappointing time in art school, I’ve avoided colleges and teaching, consequentially I’ve had a variety of jobs.
Artist’s statement
We live in the best possible time for art! Every day I read about another artist redefining the meaning of art, or redefining the redefinition. Golly!
About the blog
I use my blog to write about the nuts and bolts of art making. I also discuss art history and other stuff but art making is the focus.
Podcast page:
YouTube page:
The online gallery is roughly organized by date, although most of my work is not yet online.
You can contact me through the site, or you can email me at tom@ thomasparkerhudson.com.
Are you inquiring about where you can purchase the artwork displayed here?
If you have a question about the site, you can email the administrator: admin@thomaspakrerhudson.com.